Hakuoki Kyoto Winds

Finally finished Hakuouki Kyoto Winds. This was my first time playing a Otome visual novel game, but once getting into the story the controls were simple to get the hang of. This game focuses on “romance” with twelve different characters. Depending on what decisions are made can lead to a good or bad ending.

One of the biggest problems I found with this game is that it’s only half of the story. No where does it imply its not complete on the packaging or in the game itself. Just concludes with whichever characters route you’ve chosen.

Hijikata is the captain of the Shinsagimi and he varies between being my favorite story arch. Definitely rough around the edges, but he does genuinely care.

Okitas story I would say is the most detailed. He’s rather snarky and doesn’t hold back how he feels in any situation. Further the story progresses he ends up with tuberculosis and tries to hide it.

Sanan was the one I liked the least. Nothing against the character, I just found him rather dull. The main thing about his character is trying to protect and empower the Demon Corps which he’s leader of. The Demon Corps is a result of misguided medication that more or less kills them and allows them to come back stronger. Just as a Demon. Throughout his story he was the first of the main to take the medicine because he lost use of his arm. Rendering him unable to use a sword.

Heisuke is the youngest captain out of them and is a little goof ball. Definitely a fun play through with his story. Was a little disappointed in him at one point, but he had his reasons.

Harada, is my second favorite character. One thing that stood out the most is that he was against the medicine from the beginning. Most of the story was him saying such, but in the end he drank it to save the protagonist and became a demon.

Nagakura is a interesting character as well. He tried his best to prove himself. In the end he took the medicine as well to become more powerful for the protagonist.

Saito is a quite character. Reminds me of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho is looks and personality. The main story for him is he goes undercover and only two people know. The others are left thinking he had betrayed them.

There are a few other playable characters here but I’ll leave those for you to discover on your own. They are worth the time to complete I promise.